Buyer Personas: How do they benefit your startup?

Jesse Benjamin Quagraine
5 min readDec 10, 2023

90% of startup founders quit their business in the first year, mainly due to rookie mistakes.

One such mistake is not really knowing who is actually interested in their product. They think everybody will buy their product just because it’s good enough. After all, a good product sells itself, right?

Not entirely.

You still need to make people, especially the right ones, aware of your product. Because if you target everyone, you target no one. And if nobody is buying, your business is dead.

The solution? Crafting an effective buyer persona.

We’ll dive in to understand what it is, why it’s important and how to craft a simple one for your startup.

What is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a fictional character that represents your ideal buyer very well. It helps you identify your ideal buyers so that you can tailor your marketing strategies to attract those people.

Taking the time to craft solid buyer personas for your business will save you in many ways. Let’s look at a few of them.

Benefits of a Buyer Persona

1. Time saver

I know you’re in to make money and fast. It might be tempting to touch and go and start marketing everywhere.

But do you really want risk running marketing campaigns without having a good idea who’s going to buy your products in the first place?

The time you’ll waste running blind before going back to the drawing board is gone forever. Working on a buyer persona will save you the headache of wasted time and effort.

2. Money saver

Time is money. And if crafting your buyer personas will save time, you can bet that it would most likely save you money too.

Because this time, you will have a good idea how to allocate your marketing budget and where to spend to generate more qualified leads.

3. Helps to communicate well

In creating your buyer persona, you’ll discover who your ideal buyer is-their needs, motivations, desires and pain points. It’s a chance to understand the best way to communicate with them.

For example, you’ll know how to use the right words at the right time to make your ideal buyer choose you over your competitors.

It could even influence your prices too. When you know how much your target audience spends on similar products on average, you’ll know how high and how low price your product or service to remain profitable.

Now that you know why a buyer persona is helpful, here’s a quick guide to creating yours.

How to create a buyer persona for your startup

Step 1: Gather intel.

  • Think back: Who are your best customers? What are their demographics (age, income, location, occupation, etc.)? What are their pain points and aspirations?
  • Talk to your team: Sales, marketing, and customer service folks have invaluable insights on customer behavior and needs.
  • Survey and interview: Get direct feedback from your customers through surveys and interviews.
  • Analyze your data: Look at your website traffic, social media engagement, and sales data to understand your audience’s online behavior.

Step 2: Build a profile

  • Give your persona a name and a face: This helps you visualize them and connect with them on a deeper level.
  • Describe their background: What’s their age, education, job title, family situation, etc.?
  • Understand their needs and goals: What are they struggling with? What are they hoping to achieve?
  • Identify their pain points: What keeps them up at night? What challenges are they facing?
  • Uncover their buying habits: Where do they get their information? How do they make purchasing decisions?

Step 3: Breathe life into your persona.

  • Quote them: Give your persona a voice by creating realistic quotes that reflect their thoughts and feelings.
  • Describe their favorite things: What do they like to do in their free time? What are their hobbies and interests?
  • Imagine their online presence: What social media platforms do they use? What kind of content do they consume?
  • Create a visual representation: A photo, collage, or even a simple drawing can help you visualize your persona.

Here’s an example:

  • Name: Ama, the Savvy Marketer
  • Job title: Marketing Manager at a mid-sized tech company.
  • Quote: “I need to generate more leads, but my budget is tight.”
  • Day in the life: Ama spends her days juggling social media (LinkedIn & Twitter), email marketing, and content creation. She’s feeling overwhelmed and needs efficient tools to boost her campaigns.

Step 4: Understand their journey

Map out your buyer’s journey:

  • Awareness: How do they discover your brand?
  • Consideration: What factors influence their decision?
  • Decision: What seals the deal?
  • Retention: How can you turn them into loyal fans?

Tip: Create a visual representation of their journey, like a flowchart or comic strip.

Step 5: Use your persona to conquer your world

Now you know your persona inside-out, tailor your message directly to them.

  • Develop marketing materials: Tailor your messaging, tone, and visuals to resonate with your persona. Use their language, and highlight the benefits that matter to them.
  • Craft irresistible offers: Address your persona’s pain points and offer solutions that match their goals.
  • Content: Create content that resonates with their interests and provides solutions to their problems.
  • Engage on their channels: Be present where your persona spends their time (social media, email, podcasts, etc.) and connect with them on a personal level.

Tip: A/B test different messages and content to see what resonates best.

Bonus tips

  • Don’t stop at one: Some businesses have multiple types of ideal customers, so create different personas to cater to each segment.
  • Conduct regular research: Stay on top of trends and changes in your target audience.
  • Refine your personas: Adapt them as you learn more about your customers.
  • Share your personas: Make sure everyone in your team understands your ideal customers to keep a consistent brand experience.

Buyer personas are a compass for marketing success. It is a living document. As you learn more about your customers, don’t be afraid to update and refine your persona to keep it relevant and effective. The more you understand your customers, the more they’ll love you for it.

So go out there and create amazing buyer personas that will power your marketing efforts, drive sales and boost your bottom line.

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Jesse Benjamin Quagraine

Digital Marketing | Content Writer | LinkedIn Growth Expert | Football Manager fan | Connect with me on LinkedIn | My words drive leads and 3x your revenue.